Friday, September 29, 2006


Name: Fimgon
Race: Dwarf
Gender: Male
Current Career: Smuggler
Experience: 800 (0 unspent)
Height: 5'2"
Weight: 95 lbs
Age: 115
Eye Color: Copper
Hair Color: Blue-Black
Star Sign: N/A
Favored Deity: Ranald
Dooming: N/A
Siblings: 1 brother
Birthplace: Karak Norn (Grey Mountains)
Distinguishing Marks: Distinctive Gait

Starting Profile (Main)/Possible Advances/Current Profile

WS 41 / 5 / 41
BS 29 / 5 / 29
S 32 / - / 32
T 40 / - / 40
AG 20 / 10** / 30
INT 33 / 10** / 43
WP 33 / - / 33
FEL 24 / 10** / 34

Starting Profile (Secondary)/Possible Advances/Current Profile
A 1 / - / 1
W 12 / 2 / 12
SB 3 / - / 3
TB 4 / - / 4
M 3 / - / 3
MAG 0 / - / 0
IP 0 / - / 0
FP 2 / - / 2

Basic Skills: Drive, Evaluate, Gamble, Gossip, Haggle, Perception, Row, Search, Silent Move, Swim
Advanced Skills: Common Knowledge (Dwarves), Speak Language (Khazalid), Speak Language (Reikspiel), Speak Language (Kislevian), Trade (Miner), Secret Signs (Thief)
Talents: Dwarfcraft, Grudge-Born Fury, Nightvision, Resistance to Magic, Stout-Hearted, Sturdy, Dealmaker

Weapons: Kislevian Hand Axe (Hand Weapon), Dagger
Armor: Leather Jack, Leather Skull Cap
Trappings: Torches (2), Sling Bag, Horse & Cart, 3 Sets of Human-Sized Clothes (beggar, merchant, noble), Ornamental Snuff Box

Money: 11 GC, 1 S

History:Fimgon was born into a prosperous and renowned family of miners in the dwarven land of Karak Norn. His father was wealthy, wise and strong, his brother a skilled miner and excellent teacher, his family name proud and true. Fimgon was assured of a happy, healthy, rich life as a miner. There were only two problems. One, he was terrible at mining. Two, he hated it with every fiber of his being.

Fimgon was taller and skinnier than most dwarves, and he was ruthlessly teased by those his own age and by his older brother. He would have been bullied, but he discovered a gift for talking himself out of trouble and making deals. In fact, as he grew older, he managed to adapt his role to something of the unofficial quartermaster for the other miners. They would pick up the slack on his work, and he would make sure they had extra food, the best beer, a visit from a lovely dwarven lass (not that a human would agree with that estimation) and other luxuries.

He was a dwarf, and so he learned the dwarven arts of physical combat and heavy drinking, but his eye was always on the door. One day, after a particularly successful round of gambling and dealing with the other miners, he had enough gold and goods to make his escape, and he did. Leaving a note confessing his eternal shame at failing his family, he resolved to live his life more as a human in the outer world, and to wander and see if he could find his place in the world. Though the Gods could be cruel, surely they wouldn't be so cruel as to place Fimgon in a world that had no place for him.

Fimgon traveled a great deal in these younger days, surviving by petty thievery and increasingly bold bargaining and dealmaking. Eventually, he landed with a group of warriors bound for their homeland of Kislev. Fimgon found a lot to like with these heavy-drinking, boisterous humans, and they reminded him of many of the qualities he liked in dwarves. He found himself adapting to their culture, wearing their clothes, speaking their language, studying their God, even drinking their beer! His first loyalty remained to dwarven ale, of course. But he would grudgingly admit that Kislev spirits were "a close second."

With Kislev as his base, Fimgon began traveling the world again, this time with an eye towards making his name and fortune. He became a smuggler by trade, sneaking goods across borders and underneath the noses of law enforcement. He traded heavily in Kislev goods, but very little was out of the question for him.

Unfortunately, as dwarves often do, Fimgon got greedy, and when an unusually large and beautiful selection of furs and jewels from a Kislev raid came into the town, he decided to take his big chance. He loaded them onto his cart and rushed across the border of his adopted homeland, never to return unless it was at the end of a Kislev pike, and wandered out into the world, alone and homeless again but a great deal richer.

A shame, then, and perhaps irony driven by the Gods, that he was robbed by bandits two days' out of Kislev, losing all of his ill-gotten gains and receiving naught but a crossbow bolt in his leg that provided him with a permanent limp in return. Now Fimgon was alone, homeless and broke, and this time he couldn't blame the Gods, but only his own greed. He resolved to care more for family and friends in the future, and returned to the life of a smuggler, working his way up from nothing one more time.

Advancement Tracker:
FEL (100), FEL (100), INT (100), INT (100), Non-Career Skill: Gamble (200), AGI (100), AGI (100)

"Welcome to the Old World" Progress Map

"Welcome to the Old World" (Session 4)

The trio set about following the goblins’ tracks into the forest, having little difficulty as the goblins clearly feared no men so far from town or village. At the edge of the treeline, they heard shouts and Bargrimm crept ahead to scout. In a clearing down the hill from the treeline, he spied the goblin camp. There were nine of them, all gathered ‘round a bonfire over which roasted the corpse of the bandits’ horse. Their weapons were piled nearby, and a lone wolf gnawed at the remains of a bandit. Nearby, a path led between two hills, but more importantly, the terrified Bianka was bound to the standard of the tribe: a banner of flayed human skin bearing the mark of the cracked skull.

Bargrimm returned and the party set to planning on how to divide the goblins and better their odds. As they spoke, they heard one of the goblins addressing the others, but couldn’t make out his words. Shortly thereafter, they took cover when they heard goblins approaching. It was a group of three of them, their purpose unknown as they seemed unaware of the party until poor Brunhilda was sent out to distract them. It worked – partially – and the group was able to descend on the goblins with only a single shout getting out. Luckily the celebrating goblins below seemed not to hear it, and so the three were dispatched in secrecy. One Bargrimm hit so hard with his pick that its head tore completely off, impaled on it. He thought to kick the head down the hill, sending the goblins scurrying off to investigate, but mining it seems doesn’t make for accurate kicking skills - the head rolled directly into the encampment where the wolf began chewing on it. Still, several goblins left the weapons mound to investigate, partially accomplishing the intent to divide them.

Then, the heroes struck. One goblin died immediately, fatally injured by Nicodemus’ deadly crossbow. Meanwhile Kameena mounted Gildiril and sent slingshots flying at the camp as she kept to the cover of the treeline. Bargrimm put himself the most at risk, charging wildly into the camp and engaging multiple goblins, including one who’d mounted the wolf. Bargrimm sustained several nasty slashes, but gave better than he got, notably killing the wolfrider with a pick through its leg that nearly finished its wolf-mount as well. Near the treeline, a goblin archer faced off with Nicodemus, and when the pair found themselves face to face – neither weapon nocked – they took to bludgeoning each other with their bows. Nicodemus emerged the victor, cracking the goblin’s skull, even as Kameena and her pony were set upon by another pair of goblins. During the melee, Kameena was thrown from her pony, who took a nasty gash, but arose, sling in hand, to finish off the pair. The last of them was struck with a shot as accurate and deadly as the shot that had brought down Gaffin, but at point blank ranged it splattered the goblin’s brains as sure as a black powder pistol.

In the wake of the battle, no reinforecements seemed to be forthcoming, so Kameena patched up Bargrimm and Gildiril. The group freed Bianka, who was mostly in shock from the events of the last few days. Between crying fits, she took to Kameena as a surrogate mother.

While Kameena calmed Bianka down, Bargrimm found himself drawn to the lair of the goblins with Nicodemus close behind. The trail between the two hills led to a small cave, and after triggering the rockslide defense set above it, the pair crept in. Bargrimm, alas, walked right into a stalactite and wandered around in a daze while Nicodemus turned up a small sack of loot from the goblins. Amongst the squallid blankets, worn knucklebone dice, and other trappings of the goblins, Nicodemus also found a true prize: buried in the dirt was a jeweled Estalian dueling dagger. Though its precise worth eluded him, it was surely the most balanced dagger he’d ever hefted and he added it to his growing collection of them.

Hoping to make the town of Ossino (itself a few days from Hermsdorf) before nightfall, the group set out. Along the way, they carefully avoided the scene of the slaughter of Bianka’s foster parents. She was apparently unaware of their deaths, but was in too much of a state of shock for interrogation.

The party reached the town gates just as dusk was falling and a light rain was beginning, but despite a hurried ride from Kameena, the party wasn’t fast enough to get in before the gate to the walled town was locked. They parlayed with the sentry who didn’t think much of such a motley crew, but he grudgingly summoned the village headman, Hergard Brauer. Hergard believed their story, and with an offer to buy him a drink (they’d interrupted his meal), he even took the party to the Crowned Swan Inn himself. Bargrimm ordered him the best drink in the house and the party sat down for their first comfortable meal – the house specialty, boiled crawfish – in many days. Afterwards, everyone even sprung for a warm bath to cleanse the accumulated grit of their travels and fighting.

Kameena retired early to their room with Bianka and Bargrimm managed to rustle up a tavern wench for the night. Nicodemus, meanwhile, confronted a mysterious patron he caught stealing glances at him. The rough-looking man claimed only a natural curiousity in strangers arriving in town and asked Nicodemus about his travels. Word of goblins seemed to particularly pique the man’s interest, and shortly thereafter he asked a very curious question: whether the little girl accompanying them had been rescued from those same goblins. Nicodemus fumbled for an answer, but the man was able to read the truth and shortly thereafter excused himself from the conversation.

While Nicodemus contemplated the matter, he headed upstairs for bed even as Bargrimm found an enthusiastic strumpet to spend a few hours with in the room down the hall. Nicodemus found himself explaining to Bianka that her foster parents were indeed dead, which didn’t go over well at all. She began to cry, and before he or Kameena could figure out how to calm her, there came a knock at the door. Nicodemus opened it, only to find a sword at his throat. It was his “friend” from the bar, backed by two other scoundrels bearing cudgels. The man was wild-eyed and determined that Bianka was his daughter, gone missing years ago while picking berries. He was certain she’d been taken by goblins, but had apparently clung to the hope that she was alive even as his sanity had slowly slipped away over the years.

The man directed one of his friends – the both of them convinced he was in the right – to take Bianka while he watched over Nicodemus. Suddenly Nicodemus lunged, grappling with his captor and hauling him to the window. With a mighty heave, he sent the man shattering through the glass and down to the ground where he landed with a thump and fell unconscious. During the confusion, Kameena managed to wrest Bianka from the thug making off with her and Nicodemus faced off with his Estallian dagger against the other. He was shortly aided and abetted by Bargrimm, who’d heard the shattering window and come running with only sword in hand and a sheet around his waist.

When one of the thugs became seriously injured, he fled the room with Kameena close behind. She lost him outside, but took time to look in on the unconscious leader of the rogues. Using her medical skills, she brought him to consciousness. His name was Moritz Hausier, and touched by Kameena’s mercy, the error of his delusions came crashing down on him. He broke down, begged Kameena’s forgiveness, and raced off into the darkness of the town. His remaining friend fared worse, however, taking a fatal jab from Nicodemus’s dagger.

The party regrouped in their room, but shortly had to deal with the innkeeper who’d been roused by the commotion. Kameena’s charm plus a few gold crowns from Bargrimm managed to convince him of their righteousness. He called up his son with a blanket, wrapped the body of the thug in it, and promised to “take care of it” as long as the three left town the next day and never came back. They were only too happy to oblige.

After several days of pleasantly danger-free travel, the trio found their way to the town of Hermsdorf. It took little time to find the well-appointed home of Herr Wilhelm Liebniz, the steward of Baron von Radische. With the official seal of the Baron as proof of their story, the adventurers had little trouble convincing Herr Liebniz of their story. However, his response was not what they wanted to hear: the Baron has been dead for several days. The victim of a suspicious hunting accident while in the company of the Grand Duke and the Baron's rival, Baron Waldemar von Zutzen. Waldemar had already positioned Waldemar in Radische's role, as Radische had no recognized heir at the time of the accident. In a cruel twist of irony, Herr Liebniz explains, it was fears over such bloody rivalry that had led Radische to send Bianka away in the first place. He'd thought his position secure enough to bring her back, but clearly this was not the case...

Herr Liebniz explains that he will assume the care of Bianka to raise her in accordance with her station. He offered the adventurers a relatively measly 10 Gold Crowns apiece, explaining that they would be expected to keep Bianka's true identity a secret lest she become a victim of treachery like her father. Bargrimm balked at the paltry reward, but ultimately kept his tongue. As the adventurers left, Liebniz advised them that they would probably do better to seek their fortunes elsewhere...

"Welcome to the Old World" (Session 3)

Before the group continued on, Kameena spent some time talking to the Roadwardens who treated her as a celebrity for her dead-on slinging. They decided to give her Gaffin’s pony and she also bore witness to his fate: after a beating from the Roadwardens, he was thrown in the very pit his lies landed Emmerich in. Naked, his hair and muttonchops shaved, he would be left in the pit with no food and water until the Roadwardens made a return patrol a week later. If he was still alive, he’d be turned loose in the wilderness to fend for himself.

Kameena and friends didn’t feel much pity for Gaffin, but it turned out his pony, Gildiril, wouldn’t budge without a secret phrase from his master. In exchange for food and water, Gaffin shouted the vulgar Halfling phrase to her, and he was left to his fate.

With fair weather in the skies, the party continued south along the Stir. After a full day’s travel, they made camp in the woods, erecting a simple tent. The woods of the Old World are dangerous, though, and the trio were awakened in the night by a ravenous pack of wolves. The group made fast work of the wolves, with even Brunhilda the goat managing to kill one. Flush with victory, Bargrimm took what skins he could from the mangled wolves and regaled the party with the dirtiest dwarf jokes he knew. Meanwhile, Kameena put her surgical blades to use and fashioned a helmet for Brunhilda from one of the wolf skulls. She also made a necklace of teeth for Nicodemus.

The next day, the group was approaching a bend in the road when a strange feeling came over Nicodemus – his sixth sense warning him of danger! The group hid in the trees as a small group of sword-wielding priests of Sigmar rounded the bend, a cart of their injured just behind them. They spotted the group, declared them bandits, and readied to fight them, but when Bargrimm sheathed his sword and the others followed, tensions disappeared. The priests claimed to have survived a recent attack by bandits, but curiously refused to allow Kameena to treat any of their injuries; they claimed they were tests from Sigmar that they alone had to bear. Nicodemus warned them of reports of goblins, and the two parties went their separate ways.

Not an hour later, Bargrimm spotted a murder of crows hovering just beyond a rise in the road ahead. Creeping up, he came across a scene of carnage. There were ten bodies in all – two in priest robes, the rest apparently farmers - all bearing violent sword wounds. When Kameena and Nicodemus took the scene in, both were chilled to the bone and Nicodemus actually lost his morning breakfast. When he recovered, he remarked how odd it was that the Sigmarite priests would leave their dead behind, unburied.

The mystery was shortly cleared up when a lone survivor, a grievously injured middle-aged woman, was discovered. Even Kameena’s considerable skills weren’t enough to save her, but before dying she managed to gurgle out her tale: seven years ago, the Baron von Radische had entrusted she and her husband to care for his newborn daughter. They were returning the girl to the Baron in Hermsdorf when bandits disguised as priests set upon them, killing all save the girl. The woman charged the group with saving the girl – Bianka – and returning her to Hermsdorf where they were sure to collect a great reward.

Kameena found a medallion in the woman’s possession and her knowledge of heraldry confirmed it to be the genuine crest of the Baron (a ferret standing upright, holding a sword). The fact that the woman had invoked the gods weighed heavily on the superstitious Nicodemus. Bargrimm, on the other hand, wasn’t in a hurry to get involved until Kameena, the person he was most indebted to, managed to sway him. The party set off after the bandits.

Travelling late into the gloomy night with occasional wolves pacing them, the group finally made camp upon realizing they might have actually overtaken and passed the bandits in the dark. The next morning, the scouted a little further ahead, found the burnt-out tollhouse they’d passed the previous day, and the remains of a recent campfire. Bargrimm was sure it was the bandits’, and from the handful of still glowing embers, knew that the group must be close on their heels.

Within an hour, the group had caught up with the bandits, only to discover the bandits had met an ironic fate. They themselves had been ambushed by goblins, and not a man survived. Among the carnage were several goblin bodies and hacked limbs, one of the goblins having an image of a split skull etched into his forehead as a scar, but Bianka was nowhere to be seen. The party did find some grain and other supplies in the overturned cart of the bandits, along with the note from the Baron that called for the girl's return. Clearly the bandits had taken it off the girl’s foster parents and realized her worth. Whether the goblins had taken her for the same reason or something more sinister, their trail into the gloomy forest beckoned...

"Welcome to the Old World" (Session 2)

The following morning, a talk with a woodsman who knew the secret signs of the rangers convinced Nicodemus that perhaps the prisoner’s tale of innocence had merit. Bolstered by a promise of monetary compensation from the prisoner, the others agreed to join Nicodemus in a trip to the village of Gersdorf. To that end, they boarded a riverboat headed that way, only to find the river blocked by a downed tree about a mile south of Gersdorf.

With Kameena’s goat in tow, the trio set off to hike the rest of the distance, but a creek bed swollen with rushing rainwater proved an obstacle. Nicodemus leapt across with relative ease, but getting Kameena’s goat across landed the entire group in the creek, all clinging to the rope around her neck. An extremely drunken Bargrimm did his best to panic while Nicodemus and Kameena managed to swim close enough to the river’s banks to haul everyone out. With a little more effort, they crossed the stream and were shortly in Gersdorf.

There they found Emmerich’s wife, Heidi, and daughter, Gretchen, with little trouble. The man’s tale of false accusation, it seemed, was true, and Heidi agreed to join them on the boat to testify on her husband’s behalf. A few extra shillings tip to the boat’s pilot ensured a speedy trip back, but even so, the group returned to the Strutting Cock almost too late. The roadwardens were already there, alongside the bounty hunter Lars and the supposed witness to Emmerich’s crimes, Gaffin. Alas for Lars and Gaffin, the testimony of Heidi, Gretchen, and our heroes secured a reprieve for Emmerich.

Lars took a harsh slap to the face from the captain of the roadwardens and was warned that he’d hang if he ever misled them again. Apparently Lars’ past service to them had saved him, but he fixed our heroes with a look of hatred before fading into the crowd. Less likely to receive a merciful treatment was Lars’ halfling accomplice, Gaffin, who tried to sneak to the barn to make his escape by pony. Spotted by Nicodemus, who loosed a crossbow bolt at him, Gaffin was almost at the gates and freedom when a stone slung from Kameena caught him square on the helmet he’d donned. It was a stunning shot that rang out throughout the courtyard of the inn, leaving a deep dent in the helmet and sending the unconscious Gaffin flying off his pony and into the bushes.

From a grateful Heidi and Emmerich came 7 Gold Crowns as compensation for our heroes’ efforts. Bargrimm snapped up the money greedily. In addition to the money, the Handlers also offered up a healing draught brewed up by an old herbalist in their village. Its exact properties have yet to be seen, but it’s said to cure minor injuries.

"Welcome to the Old World" (Session 1)

It was late spring in the month of Sigmar-Tide when fate brought three unlikely adventurers together…

The burly miner Bargrimm, proudly bearing a dwarven name over his given Imperial name of Albert Reimund, had been traveling the Empire for years in search of his remaining family. It was in the Talabecland city of Krugenheim that he picked up his best lead yet, courtesy of a chance meeting with the halfling Kameena Kettlebright. She was a barber-surgeon plying her trade in the city, but like all Halflings had an insatiable interest in family history. She viewed Bargrimm’s search as a genealogical mystery, and within weeks had turned up a potential family member: Engelhart Reise, thought to be residing in the northern province of Middenland in the town of Untergard.

Correspondence was sent Engelhart’s way, but before any response could return, Kameena landed in a bad spot: called to perform surgery on a minor Stirlander noble visiting Krugenheim, she found herself charged with murder when he unexpectedly died. It seemed likely a thief's poisoned blade had ended his life (his actual injury was minor), but his Stirlander entourage found more satisfaction in shifting blame to a halfling scapegoat. Kameena fled the town with Bargrimm close behind, only to inadvertently involve a ferryman, Nicodemus Drakenhoff, working along the nearby river. Locals were already suspicious of the dour, taciturn Nicodemus, little suspecting that his gloomy outlook came as a result of his parents having been executed as spies in his youth. His seeming “sixth sense” only increased the locals’ suspicion, and they were quick to turn on him when he assisted the fugitives Kameena and Bargrimm.

With little to keep him in Stirland and his own reasons for wanting to visit Middenland’s capital of Middenheim, Nicodemus joined the pair (alongside Kameena’s goat, Brunhilda) heading west down the River Stir. Before long they ditched his barge to avoid attention and took to foot. After several weeks, they passed the village of Gersdorf, and some miles south of it they took shelter from a storm at the inn of The Strutting Cock. The inn was abuzz with word of a captured bandit, Heinz Gerber, locked up and being held till the Roadwardens could come to deal with him. Bargrimm, meanwhile, was abuzz with beer and ale, making up for having missed the dwarven holiday of First Quaff during his time as a fugitive. He shortly found himself living it up with the locals in a card came of Reik’s Crossing, where he won some change and managed to convince Nicodemus to play. Nicodemus walked away with a sizeable pot and the ire of one particular gambler.

Meanwhile, Kameena played darts with the only other Halfling at the inn, the supposed merchant Gaffin Tumblewine. Gaffin regaled Kameena with tales of his near-robbery at the hands of Heinz Gerber, and in the process managed to talk her into spending the night with him. Thus distracted, she missed the evening’s brawl as Burt, the drunken patron still angry at losing to Nicodemus, faced off with him. Harsh words were spoken and suddenly fists were flying. With a little help from Bargrimm, Nicodemus laid Burt out flat. The pair even walked away with a few extra shillings thanks to Bargrimm’s enterprising spirit (he’d bet on his pal Nicodemus while the other patrons put their money on good ol’ Burt).

Before last call, Kameena made a trip to the privy outside and encountered the alleged outlaw, Heinz Gerber, locked in a pit covered with a steel grate. He professed his innocence, claimed his real name was Emmerich Handler and that he was only visiting the area looking for work, and asked her to bring his wife from the nearby village of Gersdorf to prove his story. Unconvinced by his pleas, Kameena retired for the evening and joined Gaffin for a night of halfling debauchery. Bargrimm passed Gerber’s locked pit as well. He, too, was unconvinced, though he found the pit to be far more convenient than the privy to relieve his bladder; as a result, the supposed Heinz Gerber was rained on for the second time of the day.

During the night, Nicodemus slept alongside other travelers in the inn’s common room and Bargrimm found a pub wench to keep him warm in the barn outside.

Thursday, September 28, 2006

Brunhilda & Gildiril

Name: Brunhilda
Animal: Goat

Profile (Main)
WS: 30
BS: -
S: 21
T: 21
AG: 30
INT: 15
WP: 40
FEL: -

Profile (Secondary)
A: 1
W: 6
SB: 2
M: 5
MAG: -
IP: -
FP: -

Skills: Swim
Talents: Natural Weapons, Flee

Notes: Brunhilda is Kameena's beloved goat. She has a gilded nose whose origin remains a mystery and has proven adept at slaying goblins.

Name: Gildiril
Animal: Pony

Profile (Main)
WS: 25
BS: -
S: 35
T: 35
AG: 35
INT: 10
WP: 10
FEL: -

Profile (Secondary)
A: 1
W: 12
SB: 3
TB: 3
M: 6
MAG: -
IP: -
FP: -

Skills: Perception, Swim
Talents: Acute Hearing, Keen Senses

Notes: Gildiril formerly belonged to the halfling con artist, Gaffin Tumblewine. Gildiril was awarded to Kameena by the Road Wardens who took Gaffin into custody after Kameena beaned him with a shot from her sling. He was trained by Gaffin not to respond to commands until a particular code phrase was whispered into his ear.

Kameena Kettlebright

Name: Kameena Kettlebright
Race: Halfling
Gender: Female
Current Career: Barber-Surgeon
Experience: 600
Height: 3'9"
Weight: 130 lbs
Age: 44
Eye Color: Dark Brown
Hair Color: Copper
Star Sign: The Broken Cart
Favored Deity: --
Dooming: "Green is thy undoer."
Siblings: 2 (1 sister, 1 brother)
Birthplace: The Moot
Distinguishing Marks: Missing tooth

Starting Profile (Main)/Possible Advances/Current Profile

WS 16 / 5 / 16
BS 42 / - / 42
S 22 / - / 22
T 27 / - / 27
AG 36 / 10** / 46
INT 36 / 10** / 46
WP 30 / 10* / 35
FEL 45 / 5* / 50

Starting Profile (Secondary)/Possible Advances/Current Profile
A 1 / - / 1
W 11 / 2 / 11
SB 2 / - / 2
TB 2 / - / 2
M 4 / - / 4
MAG 0 / - / 0
IP 0 / - / 0
FP 2 / - / 2

Basic Skills: Charm, Gossip, Haggle, Perception, Swim
Advanced Skills: Academic Knowledge (Genealogy/Heraldry), Common Knowledge (Halflings), Speak Language (Halfling), Speak Language (Reikspiel), Speak Language (Breton), Trade (Cook), Heal, Read/Write, Trade (Apothecary)
Talents: Night Vision, Resistance to Chaos, Specialist Weapon Group (Sling), Hearty, Savvy, Resilient, Surgery

Weapons: Axe, Dagger, Sling
Armor: Leather Jerkin
Trappings: Trade Tools (Barber-Surgeon), Rope (20 yards), Cooking Pot, Water Skin, Cloak, Pack, Blanket, Wooden Cutlery, 12 Matches, Crowbar, Pony with Saddle & Harness, Goat (Brunhilda), Rations (1 Week), 5 Wolf Tails
Money: 21 GC, 6 S, 200 P

History: Kameena Kettlebright, of the Gipfel Kettlebrights, is the second of three children. Her elder sister, Marilena, is a thief like their father, Axel, and her brother Oskar is a messenger based out of Salzenmund. Their mother, Heidi, is a burgher dealing mainly in good luck charms, religious relics, and collectible tankards, but she also serves as a fence for the goods brought in by Marilena and Axel. Kameena is unashamed of the source of her family's modest wealth, but has no interest in the family business beyond the standard halfling love of knick-knackery. She's a charismatic but vain halfling who takes very particular care of her hair and is fond of cutting, dying, braiding and shaving shapes into the hair on her feet. Her skill with razors, shears, and other blades is also evident in her cooking, which is given to much more intricate decoration than most halflings bother with, including shapes cut into pie crusts and turnips carved to resemble hydrangeas.

Unsettled by the lush countryside in the Moot (on her 10th birthday, her Dooming has been pronounced the color green), Kameena decided to make her way to a larger city, where she joined the Barber-Surgeon guild and expanded her love of cutting to include not just hair, but moles, boils and amputations as well. She's also been making some attempts at dentistry lately, which explains her missing right incisor, and picking up a little extra silver helping humans figure out their own ancestry. She's constantly amazed that not only do most humans barely know the names of their great-grandparents, they aren't even capable of reading the tax records or marriage and death records that might help them unlock these minor mysteries.

Monday, September 25, 2006

Nicodemus Drakenhof

Name: Nicodemus Drakenhof
Race: Human
Gender: Male
Current Career: Ferryman
Experience: 700 (0 unspent)
Height: 6'2"
Weight: 175 lbs
Age: 24
Eye Color: Gray-Blue
Hair Color: Dark Brown
Star Sign: Mummit the Fool
Favored Deity: Manann
Dooming: "The Gods will strike thee down."
Siblings: 1 younger sister (missing)
Birthplace: Wurtbad, Stirland
Distinguishing Marks: Facial tattoo of wave sigil of Manann; permanent scar on left arm from the bite of a Beastman

Starting Profile (Main)/Possible Advances/Current Profile

WS 38 / 5* / 43
BS 36 / 5* / 41
S 27 / 10** / 37
T 29 / 5* / 34
AG 32 / 5* / 37
INT 33 / 5* / 38
WP 33 / - / 33
FEL 32 / - / 32

Starting Profile (Secondary)/Possible Advances/Current Profile
A 1 / - / 1
W 11 / 2* / 12
SB 2 / - / 3
TB 2 / - / 3
M 4 / - / 4
MAG 0 / - / 0
IP 0 / - / 0
FP 3 / - / 3

Basic Skills: Charm, Marksman, Haggle, Intimidate, Perception, Row, Swim
Advanced Skills: Common Knowledge (The Empire) (+10%), Speak Language (Reikspiel), Secret Language (Ranger)
Talents: Resistance to Disease, Sixth Sense, Marksman, Street Fighting

Weapons: Crossbow, Short Bow, Mace (Hand Weapon), Dagger, Estalian Duelling Dagger (+5% WS)
Armor: Leather Jack, Leather Skullcap
Trappings: Waterskin, Flask with Healing Draught, Rations (1 Week), Wolf Tooth Necklace, Rucksack, Bone Dice, Bandit Mask, Lars' Fur-Collared Cloak, 3 Vials Unknown Liquid, Reward Bills, Net, Manacles
Money: 23 GC, 13 S, 110 P

History: "My name is Nicodemus Drakenhof and I was born 24 years ago in the city of Wurtbad, the capital of Stirland. It is a large city and frequented by the higher classes of the lands who come for the city's hot springs and the high quality of the taverns and inns. My family was the owner of one of the town inns, which was quaint, well-kept, and my home. It seems so long ago that I have actually seen it with my own eyes. The reason for this is that my father and mother were slain as suspected spies by the Grant Count Alberich Haupt-Anderssen. Not only that, but my younger sister, Klara, was taken as well. Out of fear, I fled the land, catching a ride with a ferry moving along the River Stir. With the deaths of my parents and my faith in the government tarnished, I slipped into dispair, becoming solemn and taciturn. The only thing that kept me sane was my faith in Sigmar and my newfound desire to please the god of the oceans, Manann. He himself bestowed upon me a gift, a sixth sense so that I can now sense dangers that might bring me injury before they happen. I was taken under Captain Lutzen's wing and was trained as a ferryman, but now the rumblings of revenge course through my veins and I have departed the seas and rivers to find Klara. With crossbow in hand and a keen eye for targetting, I aim to have my revenge."

Advancement Tracker:
BS (100), WS (100), S (100), S (100), T (100), INT (100), W (100), Ag (100)

Sunday, September 17, 2006


Name: Bargrimm (given name: Albert Riemund)
Race: Human
Gender: Male
Current Career: Miner
Experience: 700 (0 unspent)
Height: 5'6"
Weight: 180 lbs
Age: 23
Eye Color: Brown
Hair Color: Brownish Blond
Star Sign: The Drummer
Favored Deity: Sigmar
Dooming: "Water will be thy nemesis"
Siblings: 1 older brother (deceased)
Birthplace: Tierhügel, Wissenland
Distinguishing Marks: Full beard; no right ring finger

Starting Profile (Main)/Possible Advances/Current Profile

WS 36 / 5* / 41
BS 33 / 5 / 33
S 35 / 10** / 45
T 42 / 5* / 47
AG 35 / - / 35
INT 35 / 5* / 40
WP 37 / 5 / 37
FEL 31 / - / 31

Starting Profile (Secondary)/Possible Advances/Current Profile
A 1 / - / 1
W 13 / 2** / 15
SB 3 / - / 4
TB 3 / - / 4
M 4 / - / 4
MAG 0 / - / 0
IP 0 / - / 0
FP 2 / - / 2

Basic Skills: Concealment, Gossip, Outdoor Survival, Perception, Scale Sheer Surface
Advanced Skills: Animal Care, Common Knowledge (The Empire), Navigation, Speak Language (Reikspiel), Trade (Prospector)
Talents: Cool-Headed, Orientation, Resist Magic, Warrior Born, Specialist Weapon Group (Two-Handed), Very Resilient

Weapons: Two-Handed Pick, Hammer (Hand Weapon), Dagger
Armor: Leather Jack, Leather Skullcap
Trappings: Mining Pick, Spade, Storm Lantern, Lamp Oil, Cloak, Pack, Blanket, Wooden Cup, Wooden Cutlery, Water Skin, 10 Matches, Rope (20 Yards), Rations (1 Week), Wolfskin Cloak, Average Lock, Dog (Gretta)
Money: 24 GC, 7 S, 10 P

History: My name is Albert Riemund, but I haven't heard it in ten years. I grew up in Wissenland with my father and older brother, Darren until my thirteenth birthday when the mines collapsed. I lost my father, my brother, a finger, and a piece of my humanity that day.
Dwarves are quite commenplace in the mines around Wissenland, and my father, being a miner, was well known and respected by those dwarves. There were even rumors that our family might have had a bit of a dwarven lineage. The dwarven men of the mining camps became my only family, and I took quickly to the ways of the dwarves (I never did master the language or the tolerance for alcohol).
I left the mining camps in my sixteenth year to find any blood family I might have left. My mother spoke of family in the Empire before she was taken by the fever when I was five. I have been travelling for seven years now, and I am no closer to my goal. Maybe it is time to just return to the mines of Wissenland.

2499 Born in Tierhügel, Wissenland as Albert Riemund.
2504 Mother dies; Albert is 5
2512 At age 13, Albert loses brother and father to the same mining accident that costs him his finger. He continues to ply his trade alongside humans and dwarves in the Grey Mountains for 3 more years. Adopts the dwarven name of Bargrimm.
2515 Albert leaves home at age 16 looking for rumored blood relatives.
2522 (present) Seven years of searching have passed with no success, when he encounters a halfling name Kameena who might be able to help.
Advancement Tracker:
WS (100), S (100), T (100), W (100), W (100), Talent: Very Resilient (100), S (100), Int (100)