Friday, September 29, 2006

"Welcome to the Old World" (Session 2)

The following morning, a talk with a woodsman who knew the secret signs of the rangers convinced Nicodemus that perhaps the prisoner’s tale of innocence had merit. Bolstered by a promise of monetary compensation from the prisoner, the others agreed to join Nicodemus in a trip to the village of Gersdorf. To that end, they boarded a riverboat headed that way, only to find the river blocked by a downed tree about a mile south of Gersdorf.

With Kameena’s goat in tow, the trio set off to hike the rest of the distance, but a creek bed swollen with rushing rainwater proved an obstacle. Nicodemus leapt across with relative ease, but getting Kameena’s goat across landed the entire group in the creek, all clinging to the rope around her neck. An extremely drunken Bargrimm did his best to panic while Nicodemus and Kameena managed to swim close enough to the river’s banks to haul everyone out. With a little more effort, they crossed the stream and were shortly in Gersdorf.

There they found Emmerich’s wife, Heidi, and daughter, Gretchen, with little trouble. The man’s tale of false accusation, it seemed, was true, and Heidi agreed to join them on the boat to testify on her husband’s behalf. A few extra shillings tip to the boat’s pilot ensured a speedy trip back, but even so, the group returned to the Strutting Cock almost too late. The roadwardens were already there, alongside the bounty hunter Lars and the supposed witness to Emmerich’s crimes, Gaffin. Alas for Lars and Gaffin, the testimony of Heidi, Gretchen, and our heroes secured a reprieve for Emmerich.

Lars took a harsh slap to the face from the captain of the roadwardens and was warned that he’d hang if he ever misled them again. Apparently Lars’ past service to them had saved him, but he fixed our heroes with a look of hatred before fading into the crowd. Less likely to receive a merciful treatment was Lars’ halfling accomplice, Gaffin, who tried to sneak to the barn to make his escape by pony. Spotted by Nicodemus, who loosed a crossbow bolt at him, Gaffin was almost at the gates and freedom when a stone slung from Kameena caught him square on the helmet he’d donned. It was a stunning shot that rang out throughout the courtyard of the inn, leaving a deep dent in the helmet and sending the unconscious Gaffin flying off his pony and into the bushes.

From a grateful Heidi and Emmerich came 7 Gold Crowns as compensation for our heroes’ efforts. Bargrimm snapped up the money greedily. In addition to the money, the Handlers also offered up a healing draught brewed up by an old herbalist in their village. Its exact properties have yet to be seen, but it’s said to cure minor injuries.

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