Monday, September 25, 2006

Nicodemus Drakenhof

Name: Nicodemus Drakenhof
Race: Human
Gender: Male
Current Career: Ferryman
Experience: 700 (0 unspent)
Height: 6'2"
Weight: 175 lbs
Age: 24
Eye Color: Gray-Blue
Hair Color: Dark Brown
Star Sign: Mummit the Fool
Favored Deity: Manann
Dooming: "The Gods will strike thee down."
Siblings: 1 younger sister (missing)
Birthplace: Wurtbad, Stirland
Distinguishing Marks: Facial tattoo of wave sigil of Manann; permanent scar on left arm from the bite of a Beastman

Starting Profile (Main)/Possible Advances/Current Profile

WS 38 / 5* / 43
BS 36 / 5* / 41
S 27 / 10** / 37
T 29 / 5* / 34
AG 32 / 5* / 37
INT 33 / 5* / 38
WP 33 / - / 33
FEL 32 / - / 32

Starting Profile (Secondary)/Possible Advances/Current Profile
A 1 / - / 1
W 11 / 2* / 12
SB 2 / - / 3
TB 2 / - / 3
M 4 / - / 4
MAG 0 / - / 0
IP 0 / - / 0
FP 3 / - / 3

Basic Skills: Charm, Marksman, Haggle, Intimidate, Perception, Row, Swim
Advanced Skills: Common Knowledge (The Empire) (+10%), Speak Language (Reikspiel), Secret Language (Ranger)
Talents: Resistance to Disease, Sixth Sense, Marksman, Street Fighting

Weapons: Crossbow, Short Bow, Mace (Hand Weapon), Dagger, Estalian Duelling Dagger (+5% WS)
Armor: Leather Jack, Leather Skullcap
Trappings: Waterskin, Flask with Healing Draught, Rations (1 Week), Wolf Tooth Necklace, Rucksack, Bone Dice, Bandit Mask, Lars' Fur-Collared Cloak, 3 Vials Unknown Liquid, Reward Bills, Net, Manacles
Money: 23 GC, 13 S, 110 P

History: "My name is Nicodemus Drakenhof and I was born 24 years ago in the city of Wurtbad, the capital of Stirland. It is a large city and frequented by the higher classes of the lands who come for the city's hot springs and the high quality of the taverns and inns. My family was the owner of one of the town inns, which was quaint, well-kept, and my home. It seems so long ago that I have actually seen it with my own eyes. The reason for this is that my father and mother were slain as suspected spies by the Grant Count Alberich Haupt-Anderssen. Not only that, but my younger sister, Klara, was taken as well. Out of fear, I fled the land, catching a ride with a ferry moving along the River Stir. With the deaths of my parents and my faith in the government tarnished, I slipped into dispair, becoming solemn and taciturn. The only thing that kept me sane was my faith in Sigmar and my newfound desire to please the god of the oceans, Manann. He himself bestowed upon me a gift, a sixth sense so that I can now sense dangers that might bring me injury before they happen. I was taken under Captain Lutzen's wing and was trained as a ferryman, but now the rumblings of revenge course through my veins and I have departed the seas and rivers to find Klara. With crossbow in hand and a keen eye for targetting, I aim to have my revenge."

Advancement Tracker:
BS (100), WS (100), S (100), S (100), T (100), INT (100), W (100), Ag (100)

1 comment:

Dave said...

GM Notes:

*Just to give you an idea of where you are in your career, you could potentially advance to your second career after three more advancements on your profile (one bump in Agility, two increases in Wound Points). Like Bargrimm (after he uses up some extra exp. he had), you should start considering your career exit. In your case, that could be Boatman, Highwayman, Roadwarden, Seaman, or Smuggler, and I'll give you the details on how you go about making the change (it's not instantaneous). You can also enter into a career that's not on the "career exit" list for the Ferryman, but it costs extra.

*Now...before you advance, you might also want to consider using some experience points to take some of the Ferryman skills and talents you didn't get because they were part of an "either/or" option. For skills, that includes Evaluate and Gossip with a 10% bonus. For talents, that includes Suave and Specialist Weapon Group (Gunpowder). Any of these increase would cost you 100 exp, and once you jump to your next career, you won't have the option to take them.

*As a side note, I was pretty generous in handing out exp. for our first adventure, partially because I didn't know if there'd be a second, but also because I didn't want you guys to have a bunch of wussy characters. We'll probably put the brakes on exp. a bit more for the second adventure though.