Thursday, September 28, 2006

Kameena Kettlebright

Name: Kameena Kettlebright
Race: Halfling
Gender: Female
Current Career: Barber-Surgeon
Experience: 600
Height: 3'9"
Weight: 130 lbs
Age: 44
Eye Color: Dark Brown
Hair Color: Copper
Star Sign: The Broken Cart
Favored Deity: --
Dooming: "Green is thy undoer."
Siblings: 2 (1 sister, 1 brother)
Birthplace: The Moot
Distinguishing Marks: Missing tooth

Starting Profile (Main)/Possible Advances/Current Profile

WS 16 / 5 / 16
BS 42 / - / 42
S 22 / - / 22
T 27 / - / 27
AG 36 / 10** / 46
INT 36 / 10** / 46
WP 30 / 10* / 35
FEL 45 / 5* / 50

Starting Profile (Secondary)/Possible Advances/Current Profile
A 1 / - / 1
W 11 / 2 / 11
SB 2 / - / 2
TB 2 / - / 2
M 4 / - / 4
MAG 0 / - / 0
IP 0 / - / 0
FP 2 / - / 2

Basic Skills: Charm, Gossip, Haggle, Perception, Swim
Advanced Skills: Academic Knowledge (Genealogy/Heraldry), Common Knowledge (Halflings), Speak Language (Halfling), Speak Language (Reikspiel), Speak Language (Breton), Trade (Cook), Heal, Read/Write, Trade (Apothecary)
Talents: Night Vision, Resistance to Chaos, Specialist Weapon Group (Sling), Hearty, Savvy, Resilient, Surgery

Weapons: Axe, Dagger, Sling
Armor: Leather Jerkin
Trappings: Trade Tools (Barber-Surgeon), Rope (20 yards), Cooking Pot, Water Skin, Cloak, Pack, Blanket, Wooden Cutlery, 12 Matches, Crowbar, Pony with Saddle & Harness, Goat (Brunhilda), Rations (1 Week), 5 Wolf Tails
Money: 21 GC, 6 S, 200 P

History: Kameena Kettlebright, of the Gipfel Kettlebrights, is the second of three children. Her elder sister, Marilena, is a thief like their father, Axel, and her brother Oskar is a messenger based out of Salzenmund. Their mother, Heidi, is a burgher dealing mainly in good luck charms, religious relics, and collectible tankards, but she also serves as a fence for the goods brought in by Marilena and Axel. Kameena is unashamed of the source of her family's modest wealth, but has no interest in the family business beyond the standard halfling love of knick-knackery. She's a charismatic but vain halfling who takes very particular care of her hair and is fond of cutting, dying, braiding and shaving shapes into the hair on her feet. Her skill with razors, shears, and other blades is also evident in her cooking, which is given to much more intricate decoration than most halflings bother with, including shapes cut into pie crusts and turnips carved to resemble hydrangeas.

Unsettled by the lush countryside in the Moot (on her 10th birthday, her Dooming has been pronounced the color green), Kameena decided to make her way to a larger city, where she joined the Barber-Surgeon guild and expanded her love of cutting to include not just hair, but moles, boils and amputations as well. She's also been making some attempts at dentistry lately, which explains her missing right incisor, and picking up a little extra silver helping humans figure out their own ancestry. She's constantly amazed that not only do most humans barely know the names of their great-grandparents, they aren't even capable of reading the tax records or marriage and death records that might help them unlock these minor mysteries.

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