Sunday, September 17, 2006


Name: Bargrimm (given name: Albert Riemund)
Race: Human
Gender: Male
Current Career: Miner
Experience: 700 (0 unspent)
Height: 5'6"
Weight: 180 lbs
Age: 23
Eye Color: Brown
Hair Color: Brownish Blond
Star Sign: The Drummer
Favored Deity: Sigmar
Dooming: "Water will be thy nemesis"
Siblings: 1 older brother (deceased)
Birthplace: Tierhügel, Wissenland
Distinguishing Marks: Full beard; no right ring finger

Starting Profile (Main)/Possible Advances/Current Profile

WS 36 / 5* / 41
BS 33 / 5 / 33
S 35 / 10** / 45
T 42 / 5* / 47
AG 35 / - / 35
INT 35 / 5* / 40
WP 37 / 5 / 37
FEL 31 / - / 31

Starting Profile (Secondary)/Possible Advances/Current Profile
A 1 / - / 1
W 13 / 2** / 15
SB 3 / - / 4
TB 3 / - / 4
M 4 / - / 4
MAG 0 / - / 0
IP 0 / - / 0
FP 2 / - / 2

Basic Skills: Concealment, Gossip, Outdoor Survival, Perception, Scale Sheer Surface
Advanced Skills: Animal Care, Common Knowledge (The Empire), Navigation, Speak Language (Reikspiel), Trade (Prospector)
Talents: Cool-Headed, Orientation, Resist Magic, Warrior Born, Specialist Weapon Group (Two-Handed), Very Resilient

Weapons: Two-Handed Pick, Hammer (Hand Weapon), Dagger
Armor: Leather Jack, Leather Skullcap
Trappings: Mining Pick, Spade, Storm Lantern, Lamp Oil, Cloak, Pack, Blanket, Wooden Cup, Wooden Cutlery, Water Skin, 10 Matches, Rope (20 Yards), Rations (1 Week), Wolfskin Cloak, Average Lock, Dog (Gretta)
Money: 24 GC, 7 S, 10 P

History: My name is Albert Riemund, but I haven't heard it in ten years. I grew up in Wissenland with my father and older brother, Darren until my thirteenth birthday when the mines collapsed. I lost my father, my brother, a finger, and a piece of my humanity that day.
Dwarves are quite commenplace in the mines around Wissenland, and my father, being a miner, was well known and respected by those dwarves. There were even rumors that our family might have had a bit of a dwarven lineage. The dwarven men of the mining camps became my only family, and I took quickly to the ways of the dwarves (I never did master the language or the tolerance for alcohol).
I left the mining camps in my sixteenth year to find any blood family I might have left. My mother spoke of family in the Empire before she was taken by the fever when I was five. I have been travelling for seven years now, and I am no closer to my goal. Maybe it is time to just return to the mines of Wissenland.

2499 Born in Tierhügel, Wissenland as Albert Riemund.
2504 Mother dies; Albert is 5
2512 At age 13, Albert loses brother and father to the same mining accident that costs him his finger. He continues to ply his trade alongside humans and dwarves in the Grey Mountains for 3 more years. Adopts the dwarven name of Bargrimm.
2515 Albert leaves home at age 16 looking for rumored blood relatives.
2522 (present) Seven years of searching have passed with no success, when he encounters a halfling name Kameena who might be able to help.
Advancement Tracker:
WS (100), S (100), T (100), W (100), W (100), Talent: Very Resilient (100), S (100), Int (100)


Dave said...

GM Notes:

*By my calculations, you should have 200 Experience Points to spend on stat increases or additional skills. It costs 100 points to increase a stat by 5 on your Main Profile and 100 points to increase a stat by 1 on your Secondary Profile. Alternately, if there were any Talents or Skills you didn't acquire when generated your character (like the ones where you had a choice of two skills), you can buy those for 100 exp. apiece.

*So everyone knows, the asterisks in the "possible advances" section are the equivalent of the checkmarks on your character sheets - there to indicate when an advance has been taken.

*Looks like we should roll up a Star Sign and a Dooming for Bargrimm, even if they don't carry any personal significance for him. Also, while I'm pretty sure he venerates Sigmar, I wanted to double check with you posting him as his favored deity. I could see Bargrimm being into Ulric. Read up on him on page 179 of the main book. Note that he's the god of winter (Wissenland has cold winters) and note how he prefers his followers to go unshaven...

*It looks like we had a home province for Bargrimm, but not a home city. I arbitrarily picked a small mining town of 300 called Tierhügel.

*I saw you had something listed as an "average lock" in your trappings. Do you remember what that is, D3? It doesn't ring a bell for me.

Anonymous said...

The Lock is just a padlock. Thought it might come in useful at some point