Friday, October 06, 2006

2nd Careers

Most everyone's still several adventures away from beginning their second career, but I'd like for the transitions to be smooth, and to set that up, it'd help a lot if I knew what your choices will be. For instance, Nick, D3 mentioned you were looking at Roadwarden. If that IS the case, let me know for sure so I can see about planting some subplots or adventure elements that put you in connection with a Roadwarden who might mentor you or throw a mission or two your way.

Fimgon's Career Exits include: Boatman, Charlatan, Fence, Ferryman, Seasman, Shieldbreaker, Thief
Bargrimm's Career Exits include: Charcoal-Burner, Engineer, Mercenery, Scout, Shieldbreaker, Smuggler
Nicodemus's Career Exits include: Boatman, Highwayman, Roadwarden, Seaman, Smuggler

And as a reminder, you CAN pick a career that's not among your Career Exits by paying 200 exp. and getting GM permission. It has to be a Basic Career, though, so no picking Wizard Lord, cheaters.


Rogue Displays said...

Well, D3 had it all wrong. Why the heck would I, a lowly and secretive man, one most assuredly against the government, be a Roadwarden? Doesn't make much sense for my character considering all of his backstory so far. Instead, I will take the harder career of Highwaymen. Why? 'Cause being bad feels so good.

Dave said...

Highwayman? Rockin'. And your already considerable skill with a crossbow should carry over nicely to the pistols favored by the Highwayman.

Howsabout the rest of you guys? Sound off!

Anonymous said...

Mercenary or shiled-breaker

Randy Lander said...

After looking at the rulebook today, I'm favoring Charlatan, with an eye towards moving into Spy should I survive long enough for a third career.

Just call me Sawyer, I guess.