Most everyone's still several adventures away from beginning their second career, but I'd like for the transitions to be smooth, and to set that up, it'd help a lot if I knew what your choices will be. For instance, Nick, D3 mentioned you were looking at Roadwarden. If that IS the case, let me know for sure so I can see about planting some subplots or adventure elements that put you in connection with a Roadwarden who might mentor you or throw a mission or two your way.
Fimgon's Career Exits include: Boatman, Charlatan, Fence, Ferryman, Seasman, Shieldbreaker, Thief
Bargrimm's Career Exits include: Charcoal-Burner, Engineer, Mercenery, Scout, Shieldbreaker, Smuggler
Nicodemus's Career Exits include: Boatman, Highwayman, Roadwarden, Seaman, Smuggler
And as a reminder, you CAN pick a career that's not among your Career Exits by paying 200 exp. and getting GM permission. It has to be a Basic Career, though, so no picking Wizard Lord, cheaters.
Well, D3 had it all wrong. Why the heck would I, a lowly and secretive man, one most assuredly against the government, be a Roadwarden? Doesn't make much sense for my character considering all of his backstory so far. Instead, I will take the harder career of Highwaymen. Why? 'Cause being bad feels so good.
Highwayman? Rockin'. And your already considerable skill with a crossbow should carry over nicely to the pistols favored by the Highwayman.
Howsabout the rest of you guys? Sound off!
Mercenary or shiled-breaker
After looking at the rulebook today, I'm favoring Charlatan, with an eye towards moving into Spy should I survive long enough for a third career.
Just call me Sawyer, I guess.
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